
Sola (alone) Psalmis (Psalms) simply means Psalms Alone and is one of the solas of the Universal Church.   The inspired Psalms, some of which are hymns and songs given by our Creator, have been abandoned more or less today for the ditties of men’s or women’s imaginations in the public and private worship of Jehovah.

Sola Psalmis is a consequence of getting the doctrines of our faith and practice from the Bible AS INTERPRETED BY THE Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the universal church which is universal in the sense that it is composed of all believers from the beginning of time to the end of time.

The body of Christ, the pillar and ground of truth is the source of correct and true understanding of the scriptures.   When the body gathers in council, it is authoritative over the individual members or the church individual.   The arm hair doesn’t tell the body what to do.   The fingers don’t recognize for the body – for all Christendom – what are the inspired books of God’s word.   No, it is the pillar and ground of truth, the church universal that has been given the authority in matters of Christ’s Body and that authority is above the individual members of the body.   In other words, “No Councils or Creeds – No Bible”.

Neither is an individual or local church or local denomination authoritative over the body in what the scriptures command concerning acceptable worship to God.   It didn’t work for Nadab and Abihu and it won’t work for you or I either.

Simply put, it is the church universal, not the church individual which has been given by God to be the supreme court of His bride.   There are no popes allowed – whether Roman or Protestant.

Besides educating the body with the truth of WHAT content to sing to our Creator, we also encourage the body on HOW we are to sing to our creator –   with thankfulness in our heart.   To that end, Calvin Jones has been setting the Psalms to awesome new tunes with new versifications that make possible the engaging of the heart and soul in our praise to God.

Help us spread the word and music of God’s songs and call the church to sorrowful repentance for offering the strange fire of fake hymns and anti-praise.